Greuceanu (1882)
Published by Petre Ispirescu
Published by Petre Ispirescu
Once upon a time there was a king, the Red King, very angry because some monsters stole the Sun and the Moon from the sky. He promised her daughter as a wife and half of his kingdom to the one who will take back the Sun and the Moon, and that if they shall not succeed he’ll cut their head off.
In that time, there was a mighty warrior which had a sword such big that nobody except him could lift it. His name was Greuceanu. He went to the King to ask him not to decapitate the men that cannot fulfill his command. The King said he cannot change the law and Greuceanu started his journey together with his younger brother. Firstly he went to his oath brother, Earth’s Blacksmith, who had supernatural powers. They put their heads together for ten days. The Blacksmith made an iron statue which perfectly resembled Greuceanu. He kept it continuously in the fire.
The brothers walked until they came to a crossroad. There they split up – one would walk half world, the other would travel the remaining half. They gave each other a handkerchief which would announce the brother’s death if it would break in the middle. Greuceanu found the monsters house and transformed himself into a pigeon with human eyes by jumping three times over his head. The monsters wives recognized him and got in the house to make defense plans. He turned into a fly and heard about the monsters return from hunting.
Greuceanu waited under a bridge, fought and killed the two monster sons and their father, who was extremely strong. The warrior could have been killed if a raven wouldn’t have brought him water. Then Greuceanu found the Sun and the Moon in a cellar and unlocked them with the monster’s little finger.
He found his brother at the crossroads and they went to the Red King’s palace. In their way, the two younger monster-ladies turned into a pear tree with golden fruits and a flowery garden with a spring. They wanted to poison Greuceanu and his brother, but he figured out that it's a trap and destroyed them with his sword.
The older monster-lady chased them to the Earth’s Blacksmith forge where they hid. The monster-lady asked for a hole in the wall to see the warrior’s face, wishing in fact to swallow him. The Blacksmith brought the fiery iron statue at the hole and she died, transforming herself into an iron mountain. The Blacksmith made out of this a carriage with iron horses and gave it to Greuceanu.
The two brothers left for the King Red’s land. On the road a devil pulled out the nail from one of the carriage’s wheels. When Greuceanu gets back for the nail, the devil turned into a rock covering the sword forgotten by the warrior on the road side.
Meantime the devil helped one of the king’s councilors making him a copy of the sword and shapeshifting him into Greuceanu. The liar councilor went to the King and asked him to prepare the wedding immediately.
The brother of the real Greuceanu showed up at the court to bring the news of the warrior’s arrival. The King imprisoned the messenger and Greuceanu found about the loss of his sword. He went back, turned into a spiked mace and smashed the cursed rock retrieving his weapon.
The King recognized Greuceanu. The warrior forgave the untruthful councilor who was banished forever and he married the princess. They lived happily ever after.
In that time, there was a mighty warrior which had a sword such big that nobody except him could lift it. His name was Greuceanu. He went to the King to ask him not to decapitate the men that cannot fulfill his command. The King said he cannot change the law and Greuceanu started his journey together with his younger brother. Firstly he went to his oath brother, Earth’s Blacksmith, who had supernatural powers. They put their heads together for ten days. The Blacksmith made an iron statue which perfectly resembled Greuceanu. He kept it continuously in the fire.
The brothers walked until they came to a crossroad. There they split up – one would walk half world, the other would travel the remaining half. They gave each other a handkerchief which would announce the brother’s death if it would break in the middle. Greuceanu found the monsters house and transformed himself into a pigeon with human eyes by jumping three times over his head. The monsters wives recognized him and got in the house to make defense plans. He turned into a fly and heard about the monsters return from hunting.
Greuceanu waited under a bridge, fought and killed the two monster sons and their father, who was extremely strong. The warrior could have been killed if a raven wouldn’t have brought him water. Then Greuceanu found the Sun and the Moon in a cellar and unlocked them with the monster’s little finger.
He found his brother at the crossroads and they went to the Red King’s palace. In their way, the two younger monster-ladies turned into a pear tree with golden fruits and a flowery garden with a spring. They wanted to poison Greuceanu and his brother, but he figured out that it's a trap and destroyed them with his sword.
The older monster-lady chased them to the Earth’s Blacksmith forge where they hid. The monster-lady asked for a hole in the wall to see the warrior’s face, wishing in fact to swallow him. The Blacksmith brought the fiery iron statue at the hole and she died, transforming herself into an iron mountain. The Blacksmith made out of this a carriage with iron horses and gave it to Greuceanu.
The two brothers left for the King Red’s land. On the road a devil pulled out the nail from one of the carriage’s wheels. When Greuceanu gets back for the nail, the devil turned into a rock covering the sword forgotten by the warrior on the road side.
Meantime the devil helped one of the king’s councilors making him a copy of the sword and shapeshifting him into Greuceanu. The liar councilor went to the King and asked him to prepare the wedding immediately.
The brother of the real Greuceanu showed up at the court to bring the news of the warrior’s arrival. The King imprisoned the messenger and Greuceanu found about the loss of his sword. He went back, turned into a spiked mace and smashed the cursed rock retrieving his weapon.
The King recognized Greuceanu. The warrior forgave the untruthful councilor who was banished forever and he married the princess. They lived happily ever after.
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