by Ion Creangă
An emperor had three sons. His brother, the Green Emperor, had only daughters so he asked him to send one of his sons to inherit the throne. This emperor put his sons to the courage trial by disguising himself into a bear. Only the youngest son passed the test, advised by an old beggar woman. Before starting the long journey, his father told him to be aware of the bald man (Spânul) and especially the red-haired man. The son disobeyed the parental advices and accepted the bald man as a guide. Spânul forced the prince to make an identity change threatening him with death. He gave the prince a name, Harap-Alb, and made him his servant. When they came to the Green Emperor’s Court, Spânul forced Harap-Alb to endure a couple of trials hoping he’ll die. Firstly he demanded him to bring salad from the Bear’s Garden, then the Magic Deer’s skin adorned with precious stones. At last he requested to bring the sorceress daughter of the Red Emperor. Harap-Alb passed the first two trials helped by his enchanted horse and the beggar woman (who was in fact the Fairy Queen). In the third trial he was helped by other supernatural characters: Flămânzilă (who was insatiable), Setilă (who was always thirsty), Gerilă (who could freeze everything), Păsări-Lăți-Lungilă (who could reach any place in the world) and Ochilă (who could see everything through).
At the Red Emperor’s court Harap-Alb and his companions had again three trials to pass: to spend a night in an incandescent copper house, to eat and drink a huge amount of food and wine, to guard one night the Emperor’s daughter (turned into a bird).
Succeeding in these trials Harap Alb got back to the Green Emperor’s court together with the girl. She discovered the true identity of Harap-Alb. Spânul killed him for breaking the oath about their secret. Harap Alb’s horse destroyed Spânul throwing him from the sky. The girl made a magic potion mixing dead water, living water and apple branches, resurrecting the hero.
They got married and lived happily ever after.
by Ion Creangă
An emperor had three sons. His brother, the Green Emperor, had only daughters so he asked him to send one of his sons to inherit the throne. This emperor put his sons to the courage trial by disguising himself into a bear. Only the youngest son passed the test, advised by an old beggar woman. Before starting the long journey, his father told him to be aware of the bald man (Spânul) and especially the red-haired man. The son disobeyed the parental advices and accepted the bald man as a guide. Spânul forced the prince to make an identity change threatening him with death. He gave the prince a name, Harap-Alb, and made him his servant. When they came to the Green Emperor’s Court, Spânul forced Harap-Alb to endure a couple of trials hoping he’ll die. Firstly he demanded him to bring salad from the Bear’s Garden, then the Magic Deer’s skin adorned with precious stones. At last he requested to bring the sorceress daughter of the Red Emperor. Harap-Alb passed the first two trials helped by his enchanted horse and the beggar woman (who was in fact the Fairy Queen). In the third trial he was helped by other supernatural characters: Flămânzilă (who was insatiable), Setilă (who was always thirsty), Gerilă (who could freeze everything), Păsări-Lăți-Lungilă (who could reach any place in the world) and Ochilă (who could see everything through).
At the Red Emperor’s court Harap-Alb and his companions had again three trials to pass: to spend a night in an incandescent copper house, to eat and drink a huge amount of food and wine, to guard one night the Emperor’s daughter (turned into a bird).
Succeeding in these trials Harap Alb got back to the Green Emperor’s court together with the girl. She discovered the true identity of Harap-Alb. Spânul killed him for breaking the oath about their secret. Harap Alb’s horse destroyed Spânul throwing him from the sky. The girl made a magic potion mixing dead water, living water and apple branches, resurrecting the hero.
They got married and lived happily ever after.
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